Honeymoon – Day Zero: Leaving on a Jet Plane… – Ken and Jerry (dot) Com

Honeymoon – Day Zero: Leaving on a Jet Plane…

| Posted in Going Places

But, unlike John Denver, we know when we’ll be back again. So, on Monday our spiffy new luggage arrived (example on the left) which is nice, as we’d have hated it if they arrived after we left… Jerry got a red one (as pictured) and Ken got blue. Everything fits in uncompressed, which means that we can use the “space bags” on the return trip and allow for souvenirs to be brought back.

On Tuesday the packing occurred, as well as some errandy things, and transferring programs and files to the travel computer (nicknamed “Road Warrior”…)
So we’ll have our email and other technological distractions.
Wednesday: Finish up the packing (things that go into the carry-on), touch up some details around the house (turn off appliances, turn down the water heater, &c…) and wait for our ride – graciously provided by Ken’s sister Martha, whose birthday it is today…

Once at the airport, we’ll check-in in person (as opposed to the convenient on-line check-in offered by Virgin) with the hope of a complimentary upgrade to Upper Class from Premium Economy, as we are newlyweds going on our honeymoon. Once checked-in, we’ll meet up with Linda (who was the recipient of the Beer Ingredients Bouquet, and just happens to be on the same flight to London), grab a bite to eat and then catch a flight!

Hopefully the honeymoon will go as smoothly as the wedding did…


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