We Voted, Have You??? – Ken and Jerry (dot) Com

We Voted, Have You???

| Posted in Stuph

Yesterday we voted.  Yes, that’s right, we voted early – but since this isn’t Chicago, it won’t be often.  The Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters office is just around the corner from my office, so Jerry came over for lunch and a vote.  We had lunch at the California Cafe, which is the cafeteria at the Registrar’s office (much like we did when we got our Marriage License.)  Then we voted, which involved taking a number – because we weren’t the only ones with this idea – and then waiting a bit. Numbers were called in chunks of five, to be herded into line to get your ballots and vote.

The thing about it that we didn’t like was that the process of being issued an absentee/vote by mail packet, filling it out there and dropping it off in the box.  Last time I voted early, it was like a regular polling station.  In fact, that time they had the electronic booth that also printed out a receipt – nifty!  If you’re the teeniest bit paranoid about absentee voting, then you’re not going to be happy.I think I voted sticker

Since Jerry has heard the horror story of absentee ballots not being counted unless they would actually make a difference (an urban legend, apparently purported by some radio talk show host) I thought I’d post this picture I found on the web.  Since there is no punctuation involved, I’ll let you decipher it’s meaning…


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